
系統管理員 - 活動訊息 | 2012-05-04 | 人氣:2520

It has been an amazing experience to volunteer with the New Taipei City Volunteer Center for the past three months.  I never knew I would have so much fun and meet so many great people by volunteering to teach English to seniors at the volunteer center. 
 Originally I came to Taipei, Taiwan to study for four months, doing my Masters of Global Entrepreneurship and Management at Fu Jen University.  Yet, I soon realized I had some days free from school and I wanted to get more involved in the Taipei community.  In addition, I am in the process of applying for the Peace Corps, a American volunteer program, that I hope to participate in after I graduate from my masters program.  I hoped to improve my English teaching and volunteer skills for my application to this program.  Overall, I have a strong passion and history of volunteering in my life.  When I was just 12 years old, I started to volunteer with my Mom in Colorado, U.S.A.  We would work at the Food Bank and other non-profits in our community.  My mom, also a teacher, taught me how important service and giving back to the community you live in is.
 However, besides teaching English in Ukraine two years ago at a summer camp (kids aged 5-15), I have had no experience working with seniors or teaching English.  Yet, when I moved to Taipei, Taiwan I knew I wanted to give back to the community and I had the asset of the English language.  The seniors and staff at the volunteer center were extraordinary.  Even though I am a new teacher, they were so helpful and nice to me.  The seniors were fast learners and great students.  I loved going to teach in Banciao every week because everyone was so happy to see me.  It was a great way to start my week!
 The seniors learned English very fast.  Although, I had to work on writing more legibly and speaking slower, they were very considerate in helping me improve my teaching skills as well.  The senior students were very respectful to me even though I am so much younger than them.  It was so great to learn about their families, past professions, and interests.  Even with such a big cultural and age difference, we had many things in common.  The seniors were timid at first to speak in English with me, but as our weeks together continued they became more confident and outspoken.  Many of the students began to ask more direct questions of me and were more eager to speak in class.  I could see that their English was improving drastically, not just in confidence, but in vocabulary and understanding as well.
 I learned so much from the seniors at the volunteer center.  They taught me I need to write larger on the blackboard as well as speak more clearly when teaching.  The seniors are just like the younger kids I taught in Ukraine.  They like having a variety of activities and are quick learners.  They like to practice their speaking and conversational skills the most as this is the most important asset for them.  I learned that the seniors and all of the people at the volunteer center are so friendly and welcoming.  Everyone helped me so much as I do not understand Chinese.  It has been a pleasure to volunteer to teach English here in Taipei and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!


志在我心  服務無國界- 新北市教學樂無窮

(文章撰寫:Rebecca Levy)

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